Design that creates impresion

Design is a set of tools, techniques and processes that aim to make sure that the software or the  product will answer the needs and expectations of its end users. Through research focused on identifying users’ demands, habits and challenges, UX specialists support building the product by designing a prototype and testing its usability.    

We keep in mind the product scope, engage the client, research their needs with all the user stories, list of features and stakeholders. Our psychology-infused research methods, digital innovations and captivating design gives product fininshing.

We designed branding and UX/UI that impacted business growth, creates valuable leads, and turn one-time shoppers into repeat customers.

Qliq Integrations empowers customers to redefine their organisational processes by providing digital solutions and services that generate transformation for long-term change.


We keep in mind the product scope, engage the client, research their needs with all the user stories, list of features and stakeholders. Our psychology-infused research methods, digital innovations and captivating design gives product fininshing.

Design transformation should not just transform business looks on web and social media but business process, and return on investiment 

Product Design
Product Design is the intersection of the various UX design disciplines that go into creating modern digital products. It is about creating products that meet the needs of its users through business strategy, data analysis, user experience design, user research, user interface design, motion design, mockups, and prototypes. It’s all about problem solving and design thinking.

These generally include UI design, interaction design, user research, information architecture, problem definition and design thinking, prototyping, visual design, motion design, and management of design systems. While the trend in recent years has been for Product Designers to be generalists and proficient in all of these disciplines.

What we do as Design experts encompasses everything from doing market research, identifying problems, product development, designing informed solutions and everything in between.

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